Fertility help to make each woman whole
For most women, the inability to get pregnant is such a serious concern, that they invariably get fertility help from their obstetricians. Motherhood is one of life’s greatest journeys. Indeed, most women would equate womanhood with motherhood. But what of the woman who could not conceive? Is she less of a woman?

In our fast-moving world of changing values, this might be misconstrued as a very traditional, even a backward, way of thinking. There are a lot of things that make a woman complete — achieving financial and emotional independence, gaining maturity and a better understanding of her self-worth, having a successful career, and being surrounded and loved by friends and family.

But ask any woman who has tried, but failed, to get pregnant and you will understand that this sentiment remains true. And this is further born out by the abundance of resources providing fertility help for women.

For hopeful mothers-to-be who delayed pregnancy for different reasons, for women who have tried but failed, and for those who just want to optimize their chances of conceiving, here are some fertility help tips for you.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy body will ensure that all your organs are working perfectly, including your reproductive organs. Your chances of being pregnant improve considerably if you have a healthy body. The same goes for your ability to carry the baby to term, or throughout the entire nine and a half month duration of your pregnancy.

Supplement with vitamins and minerals. Most of the vitamins and minerals needed for the growth and development of a healthy baby are readily provided in a balanced diet. But some need to be supplemented. Mothers-to-be should take folic acid supplementation 3 months prior to actually getting pregnant and continue taking it for the first 3 months of pregnancy. This is to prevent neural tube defects in the developing fetus. You should also stack up on vitamin B complex, calcium, and iron because most of your body’s reserves will be used during the entire duration of the pregnancy.

Keep your weight in check. Women who are overweight or underweight are more likely to encounter difficulty in getting pregnant. Fat cells are exogenous sources of estrogen, one of the hormones needed to ensure that ovulation takes place. Excess estrogen can result in a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. In PCOS, several cysts develop in the ovary but none matures to become the dominant follicle. The dominant follicle releases the egg during ovulation. So women with PCOS are usually infertile, until their hormonal levels are brought back to normal.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine is believed to interfere with levels of estrogen, leading to infertility. Caffeine is also postulated to cause problems in the fallopian tubes, making it difficult for the egg to be fertilized by a sperm. Women who drink 2 to 3 cups of coffees daily are considered to have a significant risk for fertility-related problems. Also, drinking more than 6 cups of coffee per day is associated with a significant risk for having spontaneous abortions or giving birth to a small baby.

Drinking alcoholic beverages have been found to interfere with the menstrual cycle and with ovulation. Even engaging in a single drink weekly have been found to adversely affect one’s chances of getting pregnant

And if you do get pregnant, alcohol has been found to increase the risk for spontaneous abortions, preterm deliveries, and having stillbirths. Babies born to alcoholic mothers may have mental and developmental disorders. One of the most feared effects of alcohol in babies is the fetal alcohol syndrome, which is characterized by mental retardation, behavioral problems, growth delay, and a characteristic facies.

Relax. Stress negatively affects fertility. Stress releases certain neurotransmitters which disrupt the menstrual cycle and causes anovulation. Most women who have difficulty conceiving often feel mounting pressure, real or imagined, from friends and loved ones. They may feel that something is wrong with them. If you are harboring these thoughts, stop. Worrying will not help you get pregnant. You may enroll in yoga or visit the spa.

Keep an open mind about alternative medicine. If you are on fertility treatments and is increasingly disappointed with the results, you may opt to take a breather. You may go for alternative medicine like acupuncture. Data on acupuncture effects on fertility are very promising. You may even combine fertility treatment with acupuncture. Research on women who underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) and acupuncture showed that acupuncture increased the chances of IVF success.

I hope these fertility help tips boost your chances of conceiving. Or if you are happily infanticipating, I hope these tips help you have a stress-free pregnancy. Enjoy, you are embarking on one of life’s greatest journeys.


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