When You’re Ready and It Doesn’t Happen: Some Basic Fertility Help Tips

Oftentimes when we try the hardest to get pregnant it doesn’t happen, so you might as well settle down and take stock of some basic fertility help and knowledge that may just be what you need to finally conceive.

We are the masters of our body so we are our own source of fertility help. No one knows our bodies more than we do, and so when we are aware that there is a small window for getting pregnant monthly and if we can hear our body clock ticking, we would be able to take full advantage of this short window.

The first bit of information that women should know is that conceiving has nothing to do with the frequency of intercourse. This is one area where quality, not quantity, counts. Under the best conditions, there are only a few days a month when a woman is fertile and even then they only have around a 25 percent chance of conceiving.

Timing is perhaps the most critical factor in conceiving but so many people do not get this right. One basic fertility help is dispelling the notion that ovulation starts on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle as this is only accurate for women who regularly have a 28-day cycle. There are a lot of women who have either shorter or longer cycles than 28 days and who do not ovulate on the 14th day. That is why this information is dependent on how well a woman knows her body. The menstrual cycle also changes month on month and that it is very common to ovulate on the 13th or the 15th day after the monthly menstruation.

One of the best ways to get pregnant is to determine approximately what time each month you do ovulate. The best way to do that is to get a basal body temperature and chart your temperature each morning upon waking, before doing anything else. If you do this for some time you will see that your temperatures rise each month a few tenths of a degree and then stay up until your period comes. This shift in temperature signifies that you have indeed ovulated. Once you have a good idea when this occurs month to month, you will have a better chance of predicting when you might be ovulating.

Another fertility help tip has to do with the timing of intercourse, and the location and viability of the sperm after. Make sure that the sperm is inside the woman’s body before the egg cell is released. Sperm cells are viable as long as 5 days but the egg cell only survives for half a day to a day. For good measure, the couple would want to have intercourse days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation itself.

To sum it all up, the most useful fertility help is having a basic awareness of the body’s ovulation cycle and being able to time intercourses with them.


Nan said... @ 19 May 2011 at 20:40

A nice blog here. Helping people who desire a child. Some women says that it is difficult to get pregnant. Everyone can conceive a child if the put a good effort on it. The best time to have a sex intercourse is while the women in fertilized period. The chance to get pregnant is high.

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