High stress has so much to do with your chances of concieving. read these tips to reduce your stress and enable you to have a better chance at becoming a mother.
Stress Free Conception Tips - Eliminating Stress to Finally Get Pregnant
We do not need doctors and research or other conception tips to tell us that stress has a direct and detrimental effect to our health and well being. We can see that ourselves in our everyday lives. Stressful and threatening situations change our body's chemistry and is manifested in ways that is evident in our demeanor.
A woman's ovulation happen through a series of signals sent to various glands and organs. These signals are easily thrown off track by stress, causing irregularities that weaken fertility. If stress is a major factor keeping a woman from getting pregnant, strong measures should be taken to relieve it.
Some people hoping to get pregnant offers psychotherapy as one the many conception tips. Targeted psychotherapy aimed at reducing stress and increasing fertility reveals positive results. When women suffering from functional hypothalamic amenorrhea were made to undergo cognitive behavior therapy, ovulation was restored for most of them.
But stress reduction does not respond to psychotherapy alone. We are in the best position to relieve our stress because we know what's causing them. Relaxation exercises, as simple the act of walking or meditation can do wonders in relieving the stress.
The best part of stress reduction is its lack of adverse side effects. While it can be done without spending money its positive effects on a person's well being goes on and on and affects every facet of their lives. It is really no surprise that as part of their professional advice, health and medical experts advocate stress reduction as a means of increasing the changes of conceiving.
As mentioned previously, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) can be a potent tool in relieving stress. In CBT the negative thought patterns causing stress are singled out and approached differently allowing the person to try and process the negative thought in another way but without the stress.
Yoga and breath work also helps in relieving stress. Incorporated with yoga, or done on its own, breath work is the technique where the breathing is altered consciously. The exercise can include slow or deep breathing or breathing though one nostril then the other.
Other stress reduction as a means of conception tips include autogenic training, Tai Chi, exercise and massage.
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