Are you a desperate housewife? Tips on getting pregnant over 40

As recent as a few years back, getting pregnant over 40 is considered obstetrically risky. But with Hollywood celebrities like Madonna, Brooke Shields, Halley Berry, Marcia Cross, and Courtney Cox Arquette getting their stork visit in their 40s, people see this as a trend nowadays. More and more women are getting pregnant over 40.

But is age just a number? Is 40 the new 30? Not when it comes to matters of fertility.

Getting pregnant over 40 without the use of fertility-enhancing drugs or assisted reproduction techniques is possible. It may be more difficult than when you were in your 20s or early 30s, but it is not beyond your reach. It would entail some effort on your part. But if it means holding a baby in your arms at the end of 9 months, then everything is worth the sacrifice, right?

Getting back to the basics, for pregnancy to occur, a viable egg must meet a sperm and be fertilized. This is the reason why most fertility experts agree that trying to get pregnant for the first time at the age of 40 is difficult. Our bodies are just not as young as they used to be. For one, the quality of our eggs has declined considerably. And secondly, there is no guarantee that we are even ovulating, or releasing these eggs, every cycle.

When we are born, we have over 4 million egg cells. Once we reach puberty, our supply has dwindled drastically to a few hundred thousands. And more of these eggs are dwindling away every day. By the time we are in our 40s, our egg supply may have gone down to only a few thousands.

Once a month, we release one of these eggs, a process called ovulation. But even with regular monthly periods, ovulation is not guaranteed. As we grow older, ovulation becomes more erratic. Indeed, getting pregnant naturally becomes more difficult as we reach the age of 35.

Aside from ovulation, we have to make sure that our eggs get fertilized. Once released, the egg would be ready for fertilization for approximately 24 to 36 hours. So for women trying to conceive, timing is very important. Sexual intercourse must occur within 24 hours of our ovulation. This is simpler said than done.

There is no reliable method to say that ovulation has occurred. The most commonly used method to detect ovulation is through the use of ultrasound. Your doctor would monitor your follicles as they mature, and tell you if an egg has been released. During this time, you might be advised to have sexual intercourse every other day.

You might also use other methods like monitoring your body temperature and using an ovulation kit (similar to a pregnancy kit), but these are not as accurate as the ultrasound.

To boost your chances of getting pregnant over 40, a major lifestyle overhaul may be in order. No more caffeinated drinks or alcoholic beverages for you. The same goes for cigarettes. Cigarettes, caffeine and alcohol have deleterious effects on the quality of your eggs. They may also wreak havoc on your menstrual cycle, thus interfering with ovulation. Caffeine and alcohol are also believed to cause other conditions which may impair your fertility like endometriosis and tubal diseases. Furthermore, if you do get pregnant, these compounds may result in spontaneous abortions. Now, have I given you enough reasons to turn your back on these three?

You will also boost your chances of getting pregnant naturally if you take up an exercise program, yoga, or meditation. Fertility is negatively affected by stress and excess weight. Being a few pounds overweight interferes with your menstrual cycle and ovulation. Regular exercise and yoga releases endorphins, natural hormones which relaxes you. These activities also help you maintain your ideal weight.

Despite all these concerns, why do women delay getting pregnant till they are in their 40s? Women getting pregnant over 40 are more emotionally and financially secure, and are more likely to be in a committed, loving relationship. For these women, motherhood is the final step to complete their womanhood.


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