Another one of Mothers quotes "know thy body know thy self" She wassuch a smart woman.

The Answer to Getting Pregnant - Fertility Help Lies in Your Body

Seeking out assisted fertility clinics or doctors in getting pregnant fertility help can be a woman's last resort to get pregnant once she realizes that she can very well rely on her own body to accomplish the goal. These days couples have forgotten that with a little basic information and time keeping skills they can get pregnant the natural way.

It all starts with the woman's monthly cycle, when she ovulates once a month and produces the ovum or the egg cell that is viable for about 12 hours. This is the only time when the male sperm can fertilize this egg cell to conceive a child, after which the egg cell will lose its viability and cannot be fertilized. This also suggests that unprotected sex on any other time of the month will not result in conception.

With this very slim window of opportunity to get pregnant, a woman who is experiencing challenges in getting pregnant may tune in to the changes her body goes through during her monthly cycle and be able to use it to her advantage. There are ways to do this, one is to observe the amount, color and texture of her mucous discharge. If the discharge is more voluminous than usual, if its color is at its clearest and its texture at its stickiest, then this is an indication that the woman is fertile.

Another great getting pregnant fertility help tip is knowing your basal body temperature or the body's temperature at rest. The temperature of a woman's body slightly increases after ovulation indicating that she is pregnant. This is a bit more challenging to keep track of as a woman would need to check her temperature every morning before getting up. This temperature tracking can only yield a general and sketchy idea of when a woman is most fertile.

These two bodily indicators, the appearance of the mucous discharge and the basal body temperature, can be supported by the ovulation calendar. In getting pregnant fertility help doctors would suggest that the the 14th day after the first day of a woman's menstruation is the start of her ovulation when she is most fertile, but only if her 28 day monthly cycle is as accurate as clockwork. The woman's cycle is quite unpredictable so that there are cycles that happen from between 23 to 35 days.


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